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I Played Baldur's Gate: Disappointment Of The Year!
3 Reasons why This game is Boring | Baldurs Gate 3 - Game Review
I Loved Baldur's Gate 3... Until I Didn't
Streamer reaction to Baldur's gate winning game of the year
What Baldur's Gate 3 is Like For Someone Who Doesn't Really Play Games
Why you're not enjoying Baldurs Gate 3
Baldurs Gate 3 Is So Good!... So Why Am I Disappointed?
@blackcatbooks64 Played Baldur's Gate And Calls It A Disappointment!
Fridaaaaay! | Baldur's Gate 3 Honour Mode
So WE Tried Baldur's Gate 3
Why I Quit Playing Elden Ring
Baldur's Gate 3 Is The Worst Game Of 2023! Baldur's Gate 3 Is Overrated Garbage!